I presented both a poster and a workshop at 2021 Learning and Teaching Conference, and there is simply not the time nor space in those presentations to cover everything. This page includes all the conference material, world downloads, video, and eventually recordings from the conference itself.
On the left here is the poster from the conference (download a high quality version here) |
World Downloads (requires Minecraft Java Edition)
Blog posts and other writings
I wrote two pieces for Teaching Matters on the PTAS project and Project Millport, which explore again some of their history. Our poster, presented at FENS2020, can be seen here.
After the PTAS project, we submitted a report on the findings here. Each student wrote a reflective report on the PTAS project, which can be sent to interested parties on request. Siobhan's Honours project on building epidemiological models in Minecraft is also available on request.
After the PTAS project, we submitted a report on the findings here. Each student wrote a reflective report on the PTAS project, which can be sent to interested parties on request. Siobhan's Honours project on building epidemiological models in Minecraft is also available on request.
Workshop Slides